

Media and Sermons

Displaying 81 - 100 of 280

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
02/07/16 Hebrews 11 and Jesus-part 2 Rey Rodriguez Sermon N/A Sun PM Hebrews_11_and_Jesus_part_2.pptx
02/07/16 Hebrews 11 and Jesus-part 1 Rey Rodriguez Sermon N/A Sun AM Hebrews_11_and_Jesus_part_1.pptx
01/31/16 Lessons From Mt. Carmel Rey Rodriguez Sermon N/A Sun AM Lessons_From_Mt_Carme2l.pptx
01/24/16 Encouraging Power of Character Ron Compton Sermon N/A Sun PM Encouraging_Power_of_Character.pptx
01/24/16 Faithful Unto Death Rey Rodriguez Sermon N/A Sun AM RR_FaithfulUntoDeath.mp3 Faithful_Unto_Death.pptx
01/17/16 Song-On Zion's Glorious Summit Rey Rodriguez Sermon N/A Sun PM RR_OnZionsGloriousSummit011716.mp3 Song-On_Zions_Glorious_Summit.pptx
01/17/16 Reasonable Concepts Rey Rodriguez Sermon N/A Sun AM RR_ReasonableConcepts_011716.mp3 Reasonable_Concepts.pptx
01/10/16 To Whom Shall We Go? Rey Rodriguez Sermon N/A Sun PM To_Whom_Shall_We_Go3.pptx
01/10/16 When Jesus asked "Why?" Rey Rodriguez Sermon N/A Sun AM Why.pptx
01/03/16 Unequally Yoked Rey Rodriguez Sermon N/A Sun PM Unequally_Yoked2.pptx
01/03/16 Righteous Goal Setting Rey Rodriguez Sermon N/A Sun AM Righteous_Goal_Setting.pptx
12/27/15 Are You a Wise Man? Rey Rodriguez Sermon N/A Sun PM Are_You_a_Wise_Man.pptx
12/27/15 They Limited Him Rey Rodriguez Sermon N/A Sun AM They_Limited_Him.pptx
12/20/15 Ezekiel 36 and 37 Mike Werden Sermon N/A Sun PM 151220_002.MP3
12/20/15 Temptations Rey Rodriguez Sermon N/A Sun AM RR_Temptations_122015.mp3 Temptations.pptx
12/13/15 The Good Neighbor Rey Rodriguez Sermon N/A Sun PM Good_Neighbor_The.pptx
12/13/15 The Thief on The Cross Rey Rodriguez Sermon N/A Sun AM Thief_on_the_Cross.pptx
12/06/15 The Silence of Jesus Rey Rodriguez Sermon N/A Sun PM The_Silence_of_Jesus2.pptx
12/06/15 Christian Relevance Rey Rodriguez Sermon N/A Sun AM Christian_Relevance.pptx
11/29/15 A Time To Be Silent Rey Rodriguez Sermon N/A Sun AM A_Time_To_Be_Silent.pptx

Displaying 81 - 100 of 280

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